By the grace of God, with the love of Jesus, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, Rev. Joseph Song and his wife, Sharon, launched Stepping Stone Mission in July 2009.
Maybe you know what it is like to live without daily food, clean water, and shelter? Perhaps you have experienced moments when you have felt unloved, forgotten or forsaken? And, worst of all, maybe you can remember a time when you did not have a personal relationship with God our Father?
This describes my life while growing up in very difficult circumstances in South Korea during the 1950s and 1960s. I remember how many people in South Korea were hungry, thirsty, and naked after the Korean War. I remember how grateful I was for the American missionaries who provided food, drink, and clothing to so many of us during that time and how they gave us the greatest gift of all – the Good News of Jesus Christ. Through the grace of God and the love of Jesus, they bore the Lord's loving light during dark times and I received the greatest gift of all...eternal life through saving faith in Jesus my Lord. The Lord later called me to be one of His servants as a pastor.
While a pastor in the U.S. for many years, it was through serving as a mentor during a youth mission trip to Washington D.C. in 2009 when the Holy Spirit began calling me to serve the homeless in America. During this trip, we spent a day "living" with the homeless.
Following the trip, I felt led in my heart to be one of our Lord Jesus' vessels for love, mercy, grace, and hope for the homeless, a call the Lord confirmed in the heart of my wife, Sharon. We launched the Stepping Stone Mission in July of 2009. Through Stepping Stone Mission, we seek to be like those American missionaries, the Lord’s servants for bringing the Gospel to those feeling lost or forsaken on the streets of Atlanta. Through the grace of God, He is using us to help connect our homeless brothers and sisters with Jesus and into our Body of Christ.
Vice Chair of Sharing and Caring Ministries: Rev. Tony Lee
Treasurer: Jeff Raymond
Secretary + Interim Chair: Joy Wilkins
At-Large Member: Rev. Dr. Victor J. Belton
At-Large Member: Rev. Adam Ellsworth
At-Large Member: Elder Brian Howe
At-Large Member: Rev. Tom Kenny
At-Large Member: Dr. Ho Jin Kim
At-Large Member: Rev. Tolivar Wills
Ex-Officio Member: Rev. Joseph Song
Will Harris
Rev. Tom Kenny
Lorraine Miller
Jeff Raymond
Rev. Joseph Song
Gloria Van
Joy Wilkins
Chad Wilson
Elder Gary Church
Rev. Adam Ellsworth
Rev. Tom Kenny
Rev. Joseph Song
Sharon Song
Elder Michael Tull
Joy Wilkins
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